Supported By / Participants From
Chair and Organization Committee

Istanbul Commerce University
Industrial Policy and Technology Management
Organization Committee
“Spring Conferences”, which have been held every spring since 2015, were held for the fifth time in 2023 under the Brain Team Science Association (BeTa) and papers were presented in the Metaverse environment with an innovative approach. The Fifth Spring Conference was organized in partnership with a total of ten universities, six from national and four international. More than 150 papers were presented at the same conference with the theme of “Futuristic Approaches” and all papers were published as “Proceeding Book” by the international publishing house Hiperyayın, and full-text articles were also published by the international reviewed journal JIPAT (Journal of Industrial Policy and Technology Management).
We are planning to hold this year’s spring conferences, which we will organize for the sixth time, on 25-26th of May 2024, again on Metaverse (MetaKhan) Platforms, with the theme of Agri-Tech (Technological Agriculture) with the same publishing policy. We would like to see you among us with your valuable work in our work this year.
Dr. Selçuk Bayer (SpringConferences Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ceylan (Beta Science Association Scientific Committee Chairman)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabri Öz
Onbehalf of Beta Science Association
Technology and Digital Transformation
General Agriculture
Agricultural Industry
Chemical and Enegetical Discipline
Miscellaneous Disciplines related with Agri-Tech
Food Industry
Abstract Template
Please get the template of abstract and send it to soz.iticu[at]